Current Patents and Certificates

Current Patents and Certificates

특허 및 인증현황
Category Application/Registration Number Application Name Notes
Patent Registrations No. 10-2088879 Self-powered smart valve remote control system The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent registrations No. 10-1077997 Power conversion device The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent registrations No. 10-1571213 Microgrid system with a fault handling device and its operation method The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent registrations No. 10-2116039 Self-powered device with a dual-blade structure, a remote-control system for a smart valve that uses this structure, and an automatic irrigation system The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent registrations No. 10-1820093 Automatic irrigation system The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent registrations No. 10-1649872 Small hydro power generation module that uses pipe flow water The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent Application No. 10-2012-0028717 A control method for stabilizing a power system connected with a constant output load and devices for carrying out the aforementioned task The Korean Intellectual Property Office
PCT patent application PCT/KR2019/016822 Self-powered smart valve remote control system The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent Application No. 10-2020-0163547 A remote monitor system with self-powered irrigation equipment that uses AI machine learning to predict failures The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent Registration No. 10-2208973 Solid fuel and slow-acting compost that uses a mixture of biomass and anti-carbon materials The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Design Application Design-2020-0039032 Self-generation impeller The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Design Application Design-2020-0039031 Self-generation irrigation equipment system The Korean Intellectual Property Office
Copyright registration certificate No. C-2020-035127 Valve remote control Korea Copyright Commission
Copyright registration certificate No. C- 2020- 035422 Sensor remote data transmission SW Korea Copyright Commission
Copyright registration certificate No. C- 2020- 035421 Internet server connection SW Korea Copyright Commission
Quality management system certification 20-3037-191 Manufacturing of self-powered irrigation equipment and a remote-control monitoring system System Korea Certification Center
Certificates - Factory registration certificate Korea Industrial Complex Corporation
Certificate - Certificate of Venture Business KIBO Technology Guarantee Fund
Certificate - Exellent Technology Company Certificate Nice D&B INC.
Certificate No. 2020112671 Certificate of Corporate Affiliated Research Institute KOITA Korea Industrial Technology Association
  • Remote control system of self-powered smart valve

  • Power converter

  • Microgrid system handling faults and its operation method

  • Self-powered device with double blade structure and remote control system of smart valve using the same

  • Valve-remote control

  • Sensor-remote data transmission SW

  • Internet-server connection SW

  • Certificate ISO-9001

  • Factory registration certificate

  • Certificate of Venture Business

  • Excellent Technology Company Certificate

  • Certificate of Corporate Affiliated Research Institute

  • Solid fuel and slow-acting compost that uses a mixture of biomass and anti-carbon materials


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